Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc.
E-mail: choctawnationit@sbcglobal.net


$15.00 for a Single Person or Family
Includes digital version of Tobucksy News
$20.00 for Annual Membership and the print version of Tobucksy News
Includes surcharge for print/paper version of Tobucksy News
Year: January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Dues paid after October 1 are applied to the following year.
Email Address: choctawnationit@sbcglobal.net

Membership Benefits:

Three Issues of the The Tobucksy News - e-mail delivered
Access to over 75 members for advice and counsel
Membership in the FaceBook Group of over 925 networking members
Membership in a Secret Facebook Group for MEMBERS ONLY where the following will be provided on a time available basis - must be a member in good standing on January 1, 2017:

1. Listing of the surnames being researched by the members (maximum of 4 per member, provided by members)
2. Publication of the contents of the index for the member’s surnames
3. Publication of Index of documents from the vertical files of articles concerning member’s surnames
4. Publication of search results of card catalog for member’s surnames
5. Publication of search results in a number of "in development" data bases/indexing efforts under current development in PCGHS of information related to member’s surnames.
6. Assistance to members in developing a tree on RootsMagic, Ancestry or Family Search for Member’s surnames
7. Publication of search results (Indexes) of member surnames in the Oklahoma History Society Archives and card catalog
8. Publication of the search results (Indexes) of the member surnames in the OSU digital collections.
9. Publication of the search results (Indexes) of the members surnames in the OU pioneer papers.
10. Publication of RootsMagic search results (Indexes) for the above trees. (results are possibilities on Family Search, MyHeritage, Ancestry, and FindMyPast databases, as long as this is supported by RootsMagic)
11. Publication of individual member research logs (developed by members) to eliminate duplication of efforts.
12. Publication of Results of a Google Search on the Surnames.
13. Publication of Newspaper Search results (Gateway to Oklahoma) on the Surnames

This is a two year trial program - decision to continue or discontinue will be made May, 2018

Discounts on Copies
Discounts on Microfilm printouts
Queries published in the The Tobucksy News - Queries are researched and answered by volunteers and may be published in the Tobucksy News.
Your Pedigree chart/data sheet in Library for others to assist in breaking down brick walls
Membership in a secret members only FaceBook Group - to be used for networking and help from other members -

The society exist on the dues of its members, sales of its publications, and donations.

Last Update: November 20, 2016 6:20 PM

Copyright© 2016 by Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

113 East Carl Albert Parkway; McAlester, Oklahoma 74501-5039; Phone: 918-426-0388