Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc.
E-mail: choctawnationit@sbcglobal.net

Legacy Family Tree

Main Web site
Millennia Corporation
Appears to be private
Founded in 1984,Headquarters in Surprise, Arizona
Training Site
$32.95 for all the training videos$32.95 for second setAnimap - Centennia - Gen Smarts -
Product Review
Legacy $29.95
Down load site
Needs to be updated for version 8
Legacy For Beginners
Links to media
Births of children are automatically added to the individuals timeline
Need to determine the cost of the maps program

What's New in Legacy 8.0
how it handles duplicates
Interfaces with Family Search Family tree
Duplicate lines can be removed
Migration maps - any additional cost for the maps
Reasons to change
Family Search Integration
Open source documentation
Donna Willis Brown
I use Legacy. My file has about 95,000 people. It has always handled the people instantly and switches from one view to another instantly [I also have FTM2014 and with only a little over 14,000 people and 8,900 media files, it can take up to a minute or more to switch from one view to another, such as from Places to Tree or Media view]. I don't have a huge number of media files in Legacy because I've just recently started adding them [I knew where and how they were stored on my computer and didn't care if they were in the database program]. Media files are done by linking and Legacy has a new relinking function, which Randy Seaver tried this week and found it worked. With Legacy 8, it does allow you to evaluate evidence. I haven't tried outputs so don't know if it shows that in rank order or not. A really good advantage to the program is you can download the free version and see how it imports from FTM and how well it fits what you want to do. I used Legacy for 2 or 3 years before I upgraded to the full version. They have excellent education opportunities and there is a Google+ Virtual Users Group where you can get community support.
Janie M. Darby
I also use Legacy, although on a much smaller scale.
Karin Pasteur Coppernoll
I just recently switched from FTM to Legacy. I really like Legacy and plan on using it exclusively. The transfer of files via GEDCOM went okay, though I did need to clean up the files a bit, particularly my sources. Others may give you better tips. I haven't used GEDCOM before and fumbled my way through, so there may be a way to get a cleaner copy.
Diane Gould Hall
I switched from FTM to Legacy back in 2006 and am extremely happy. I agree that you should try the free version and see if you like the way it looks. A HUGE however, though, is that you will not be able to see all the features you are asking for without purchasing the deluxe version. Legacy has fantastic tutorial CD's and they hold lots of webinars and you can also purchase the webinars on CD or view them free for several days after they run. Good luck!
Diane Gould Hall
Cool Teresa. Thanks for letting me know. Kinda wish Legacy would do it that way.
Janelle Vandervort Dvorak
I've been very happy with Legacy. I have roughly 60,000 names and it handles them well.
Cheryl Rothwell
Doesn't matter who loves what. It only matters with what works best for the way YOU work and your genealogy. Try the free versions. I own TMG, Legacy, RootsMagic. I use all three but Legacy is my main program because that's how I work best. Your mileage may vary.
Sarah L M Christiansen
I have almost 18000 entries in my Legacy file, but I don't know if it will import FTM directly. I do like it and Legacy 8 has some really neat features (but a few bugs too). They do many free updates and you can try the free version.
Lucie LeBlanc Consentino
check out Legacy too
Donna Willis Brown
Legacy connects to FamilySearch trees. I do not want to upload everyone in my working database to FamilySearch, so don't know how it compares to Rootsmagic. But I have used the match and merge/update aspect of Legacy with people I have in my FamilySearch tree.
Sarah L M Christiansen
Donna Willis Brown, I do not upload anything to FamilySearch Trees. I use Legacy for my husband's family and keep everything on my computer (and also use Sugar Sync).
Janelle Vandervort Dvorak
I have no intention of uploading to Family Search, but Legacy does let me connect to familysearch.org without leaving the program. I don't have to upload my tree to do this.
Donna Willis Brown
Robert, I have used both Legacy 7.5 and Legacy 8 with FamilySearch.org; because of the short time Legacy 8 has been available, I have not worked with it a great deal [it's not a huge part of the research time I have allotted]. The Legacy program shows both what I have in my Legacy program and what is on my FamilySearch Famly Tree. I can correct it, match it, etc. from within Legacy. I do not upload anything to FamilySearch [personal preference]; however, I would like for the people in my direct line to be as accurate and complete as I can make them and Legacy makes it easy for me to do that.
Sarah L M Christiansen
Robert, I can use any one of a number of programs to search on, from the internet tab (or my tab) of Legacy 8, that includes Ancestry and FamilySearch, Genealogy,com, Google, Fold3 AND you can add whatever you would like to it. I still MUCH prefer Ancestry's old search so I customized a search with the Old search. (It works until I use the new search and have to go back and reset ancestry). So if you wanted to customize a search for say Mocavo, you could do that. I generally search Ancestry, Family Search and FindAGrave. Although now I find my findagrave pops up on the Ancestry search or there are no records.
Mary D. Taffet

Has anybody else encountered an error message with Error Code 3021 when trying to import a GEDCOM file created by Family Tree Maker 2006/16 into Legacy 8 Deluxe version? It's related to source records in some way ("Error saving Source"), and may be related to the "Autosource" function, but there doesn't seem to be a way around it at the present. My goal was to import my GEDCOM file without any autosourcing/source record for the import itself (I don't want to have a superfluous source record that I'll just have to delete later), but even when I created a dummy source record called "Temporary Source" for the Autosource function to use, I still get the error message and the import fails. Any ideas?
From other threads
Donna Willis Brown
I've had several 3021 error codes with Legacy 8 (not on an importing of sources, but it was in working with sources on events). Make sure you've downloaded the latest update because that was an issue needing to be fixed. Then if it still happens contact Legacy. I contacted them on another issue and they were very responsive and helpful.
Mary D. Taffet
Oh, regarding Autosourcing -- I've tried lots of variations on those options, and nothing I select has made any difference whatsoever in terms of producing the error code. If I tell it "Don't Assign a Source", I get the error message. If I tell it to "Select a Master Source" and then select the "Temporary Source" from that list, I get the error message. Nothing works to avoid that error message.
Mary D. Taffet
Each time I see the error message, then the import stops, and I tell it not to continue, I check the Master Source list, and one more source from my FTM file is showing up in the Master Source list in Legacy 8. So it looks like it's choking on each and every source that it tries to import, and then stopping and giving me an error message after each one comes in. In other words, it is not able to import more than 1 source at a time before stopping and giving me that error message. In other words, I start a fresh attempt to import with an empty file. I try the import and it fails. I look at the Master Source list, and there is either only 1 source listed (the first one from my FTM Master Source list), or there are two listed, including my manually entered "Temporary Source". If I try the import again without clearing anything out and starting all over, I get the error message again, check the Master source list in Legacy, and there are now either 2 sources listed, or 3, depending on whether it started with 1 or 2. I try again, next error message, and there are now either 3 sources listed, or 4. And that pattern repeats. So it is apparently choking on each and every source that it tries to import, but somehow imported it just the same -- but only 1 at a time.
Sarah L M Christiansen
You might want to look at the comments to Robert O. Pulse's GEDCOM questions, While your issues are different, the fact is that you can look at your file in notepad or notepad+ or wordpad and see what is in it. Look for lines starting with SOUR
Barbara Keary Garza
Did you Google the error code? You may find you are not alone. Also, I hear customer support for Legacy is outstanding.
From another thread https://www.facebook.com/groups/techgen/561784153914225/?comment_id=562222503870390&notif_t=like
Kathy 'PK' Thompson

Wanted to share how pretty you can make Legacy 8 look with the totally customisable colours of just about Every aspect of various screen.
Totally loving the new layout, look and features it has!
This is my own colour variation, I've chosen to have background colour change for gender rather than text colour as I can find coloured text difficult to read at times.
Diane Gould Hall
I think the customizable colors are awesome too. So many options. That being said, I do still think the old screens were easier to read.
Karin Pasteur Coppernoll
I love your customization. I didn't know you could customize the background based on gender. Can you tell me how you I'd that?
Sarah L M Christiansen
Yes, I might change mine based on your ideas, Then I could have the font always be black.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
Karin, on Family View, I right clicked between the parents and selected "Change Colour Scheme"
Then I clicked on various parts of the screen to get different pop-up boxes to allow me to change different aspects
To change the children, click on a child's name and then adjust the settings as desired in that pop-up box.
Hope this helps
Sarah L M Christiansen
I did that but it only changes at the bottom of the screen. I think I am going back to my previous colors.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
different parts of the screen can be set differently Sarah.
Click on a Parent's name to change those colours, click on Husband/Wife to change those colours, click on Children to change theirs. different background areas change independently as well
Here's a rather garish example of just how different the colours can be... See how the different text items have different colours?
Sarah L M Christiansen
How did you get your photo larger? Mine fills the screen so it has to be FB that is shrinking it. No one can see anything.
Sarah L M Christiansen
It stayed small until I hit enter... and I tried it 5 different times. Oh well.
Sarah L M Christiansen
My males have dark blue print on a light blue background and the females have a very dark pink on a light purple background. Unknowns are black print on a yellow background.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
my pic is smaller because I reduced the size of my Legacy window to enable a smaller screen shot that was still legible.
You can click on the image and it will pop up nice and big.
From another thread
Sharon Patricia Saunders

To the people who ordered Legacy 8 download version. How long before you got the file to download?
Regina De León
Ordered mine last week. I received the download link (with my customer order - the important part) in a few hours.
Elizabeth C Godon
I did mine the other day...about an hour or less afterwards
Jenny Moorman Davis
About 30 minutes.
Debbie Blanton McCoy
Mine took a day, but I ordered it the first day it came out. You can go ahead and download and install it. That will give you the free version. Then when you get your email, all you have to do is enter the unlock code.
Nancy Gregory
I ordered mine as soon as I heard it came out -- got the download the next day.
Sharon Patricia Saunders
I'm still waiting for the email. I ordered it about 2 hours ago.
Lynn Dosch
I ordered the first day and downloaded free version while waiting. By the time I had finished the download/install of the free version, my code was there.
Rick Patrick Shaul
Got mine within the stated 24 hours.
Sharon Patricia Saunders
Finally got mine
Sheila Watts
I got mine within 12 hours and on a Sunday
From another string
Patrice Houck Schadt

I am working on Legacy. Trying to make myself comfortable with it. I have a few questions that I would like to see if anyone else has had the same problem. I have an individual and looked at his events. In the past, I had the event listed as just the census and then relied on the date entered. Now I think I should designate it as 1900, 1910 or 1920 census as an example of the event name and then go with the date. I am just working on 1 family and group sheet at this point. For some reason when I go to preview the group sheet in the date field it will give me all the same date. Then I go back in and look at the event and all the proper dates are there. I am not sure if this is something I did wrong or is a problem with the program. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Teresa Ghee Elliott
Patrice, I don't use Legacy, but I use 1910Census, 1920Census, etc. I use the date the enumerator came by for the date of the event. And the official date as the sort date. That way the event sorts on the date it SHOULD have been taken, but the date it was taken prints.
Patrice Houck Schadt
I use that date too in the column for the date of the event. The title of the event I use 1910 Census, as an example. My problem comes in that if in the event field it says 1910 Census - June 10 1910. Under the 1920 census on the group record it says 1920 Census June 10 1910. When I look at the events page, it says the date of the 1920 Census is April 5, 1920.
Teresa Ghee Elliott
Are you using one event, or several? I have an event for each census year (using TMG). We can't set globally for events, so I'd have to change the date if I created a new 1920 event.
Teresa Ghee Elliott
It sounds like to me it could be a bug in the report writer, but I don't have Legacy to check. Hopefully someone who does use it will see the conversation and can test.
Michele Simmons Lewis
I use Legacy and I prefer to have the event name as 1900 United States Federal Census and in the description field I put population schedule (or slave or mortality or agriculture etc), then the date and then in the notes I extract the pertinent data.
Linda Theaker
I use Roots Magic and do the following: 1900 U.S. Census, 1910 U.S. Census, 1884 State Census - Michigan, 1865 State Census - New York, etc. I then use the date the census taker has on the top of the page as the "date" & then the place details i.e. Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Michele -- but when you look at a group sheet are all your dates the same for all your census records no matter what they are in the event field?
Patrice Houck Schadt
Linda -- I have been using Rootsmagic for years and should have done it that way to start. I am learning the error of my ways.
Toni Robin Beal-Davis
I have both Legacy and Rootsmagic. It sounds like it might be a glitch in the system. Try closing the program and then reopen. See if you have any upgrades coming that might be a problem they had to fix and then did an upgrade of the system. It that does not help give the help line a call someone is there 24/7. There is also in the help field a book that will help as well.
Patrice Houck Schadt
The following will show my problem better, I hope. http://screenpresso.com/=rmIxg and http://screenpresso.com/=ug5jg Screenpresso - Simple and effective screen capture
Screenpresso is the best software to capture edit and share screenshots and HD videos under Windows.
Teresa Ghee Elliott
That looks like a bug. Did you try shutting down like Toni suggested. Also does Legacy have some sort of routine it runs to reindex the project? If so, run that. Otherwise, your best bet is to contact tech support. YOu shouldn't be seeing that.
Michele Simmons Lewis
There is something definitely wrong there. Verify that you do have the correct dates entered on the census events, close Legacy, reboot, open Legacy and then do a check/repair. If that doesn't fix it send a message to support@legacyfamilytree.com and include the screenshot.
Michele Simmons Lewis
There is one more thing you need to do before you email Support. When you pull up the FGS report, hit the reset button. You will need to go in and re do your custom settings but many times when there is something going on in a report you can clear it this way.
Patrice Houck Schadt
I found the where the problem is. I guess I will have to call tech support. I can recreate it. The problem comes in when you go into report options and event narrative. If I change it to the listing, then it gives me the weird dates. If I go back to the original way it is shown, then the dates are fine. Thanks all for your direction.
Debbie Blanton McCoy
That's strange. I use the Event list style formatting instead of the sentence formatting and my dates are fine on the family group sheets. Let us know if they figure out what is wrong.
Michele Simmons Lewis
I can't reproduce it either.
Patrice Houck Schadt
I really tried to make this work. I went to the tech support on the website and it was suggested to try a fix and repair on the file. As I did this, I had a flashback to the last time I tried legacy, which was about 7 years ago. This error is the same thing that made me call it quits, then. Anyway, during fix and repair I came up with some error codes. The first was 91, which tech supports they can't duplicate and to try some work arounds. Anyway, I was glad to see that sufficient numbers of people get these same error codes that they made a list. Sad to say that I am going to give up. I want to work with a program that works with me and I don't have to go through extra gyrations to get it to work. I want to correct my errors in data entry and get back to research. It seems to be a very nice program and I am glad for those of you that can work with it. Thanks again for your input and help.
Debbie Blanton McCoy
That's too bad, Patrice. Sorry that you are having a problem. Just wanted you to know that Legacy really is a great program. I've used it over 10 years and have never had an issue.
Michele Simmons Lewis
There is a learning curve no matter which software you choose to use. Also, since Legacy has just been released there are going to be issues that pop up and they are being addressed in a timely manner. The programmers have already issued 3 updates. No matter how thoroughly you beta test something when it is released to the public you are going to see things you didn't see before. Why? Because there are an infinite number of combinations of types of computers and configurations. They can't possibly test everything that could be out there.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Michele - I am not trying to bash Legacy. I am sure it is a very nice program. I was prepared for a learning curve. I think the problem probably comes in when I created my original database back in the 1980's. Gedcom had one standard then. I was also using PAF and that gedcom is still the basis of my Rootsmagic file today. The error message says that Legacy tech support can't recreate the problem, therefore cannot fix it. They do provide work arounds. I worked on it for about a week and I may go back to it again. When I realized that I would have to use work arounds and the fact that there were other error messages in the file, I chose not to continue. I am not comfortable. I want to research more and get my files and paperwork in order. Continuing with Rootsmagic just works for me and what I want to accomplish. I also try and support the developers of genealogy related programs by purchasing the full version of the program and associated book. My thoughts are if you don't support the tech support community, they will stop developing the tools you like. I have purchased a lot of programs, some of which I just choose not to use for one reason or another. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.
Teresa Ghee Elliott Patrice
What I would do is download the Rootsmagic or Master Genealogist trial and see if the same problem exists in either of those programs. If it does, the problem is in your data and you need to fix it. If it doesn't then you can assume it's something about how Legacy reads your data and you can decide whether you want to move to Legacy or not. Both programs allow you to use them for 30 days for free and I am pretty sure, most do a direct read from PAF, not gedcom.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Teresa -- It works fine with Rootsmagic. I didn't realize Master Genealogist had a trial. That's another program I used many moons ago. Sometimes I think you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I will check it out. Thanks.
Sarah L M Christiansen
I am using Legacy 8.0 and it is still a bit buggy, especially compared with 7.5. There are some very nice features, but had I known when I downloaded it, that it was buggy, I would have waited until the first update.
Sarah L M Christiansen
When I enter a census record, I enter it as census and select the date and when I enter the source it says 1920 census etc. I do not see the census show up on the family view only when I click on the individual and then it shows Census/date/Description and place. If I edit to the source it show say "1930 United States Federal Census as the source list name and then the detail as 1930: census place". This is not different than what I saw in 7.5. So it may be the way that you have your family view set up. Or are you looking at a report?
From another string
Sarah L M Christiansen

Legacy 8 users. I thought that I had turned off ALL gaps checking, because I do not want it. I am still getting potential problems that have to do with gaps and I want all the other potential problems just not these. How do I turn them off permanently, not just one person at a time but for the entire family?
Sarah L M Christiansen
All boxes for gaps checking are unchecked.
Sarah L M Christiansen
Also sporadically when I go to enter a source, I find that the line chosen is "unspecified" and the computer beeps. I can not move the cursor down to the event that I have just selected and escape takes me completely out of Legacy. I can get right back in and select the event and then enter my source, but Legacy opens where it was originally, not where it was when I hit escape.
Sarah L M Christiansen
BTW, this is a great group.
Diane Gould Hall
Sarah L M Christiansen - I've sent about half a dozen problem reports to Legacy, along with the same number of suggestions. They do respond. Just go to their home page and go to the "Help Center' tab and you will see your choices.
From another string
Patrice Houck Schadt

My adventure into using Legacy has led me to ask the following question. On the genealogy program that you use, how do you handle events like residence, census, obituary, etc. Do you include them on your family group sheet as a part of it? Do you just include this information in notes and document it that way? Do you write up a separate document analyzing all the other information, including footnotes or endnotes? Is a family group sheet only meant to include Born, Baptized, Died, Buried and Spouse? I am a long time RootsMagic user, and am interested in looking at what other programs offer. I am afraid that in trying Legacy I can't get past the little bit of basic information on the Family Group Sheet, but on RootsMagic, I may be including too much information.Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.
Donna Willis Brown
I don't think in terms of group sheets - that's just one way of looking at the data (prepared as a report). I do, however, put all information in as an event (and record a source for it). When you have listed the information in that way, everything you know about a person is visible on the family view and shows up in chronology view, timeline, and reports such as group sheets, etc. I rarely, if ever, print anything - I just switch views if there is something additional I want to see. I do occasionally prepare a report, such as a group sheet, but I only look at it through the print preview. Although I could either print it to a hard copy or save it to the computer as a pdf, I am constantly finding new information, thus outdating anything printed.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Donna -- Thank you for your post. What you say makes sense. In a paperless environment, which is what the world is going to, everything you need appears on your screen. How will that all translate to future generations that may or may not use the program you use. I have to think on this more. Thank you for your comments.
Donna Willis Brown
Because Legacy has an excellent free version of their program, anyone could download the free version and either utilize it that way [I used the free program with much satisfaction for a couple of years before deciding to upgrade], upgrade or export to a program they prefer. Most of the other programs I have reviewed do not have an adequate free version (every view you want to look at says "upgrade to see this view" or limits the amount of people you can have in a free version), but most of the necessary views were available in the free version of Legacy. GEDCOM is still a means of transferring the data to a different program, although media will not be transferred.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Donna -- I purchased the Legacy 8 Deluxe version, as well as the book Unlocking Legacy. I have used Roots Magic for years and had tried Legacy in the past, but went back to RM. This is what has gotten me off on this tangent. They are different in several ways. I like some of RM and some of Legacy. I like the FGS print out on Legacy, until you want the additional events to appear. However, on RM, my FGS does look a bit crowded. Both have all the information clear on the computer in a concise format. Don't really know what I am going to do.
Cathy Martin Naborowski
I've bee working with both Legacy and Rootsmagic in the past couple of weeks. I think I'm preferring RM. Anyway, I list all events as facts - and as mentioned above, don't think in terms of family group sheets. So I enter things like a mention in a newspaper article as a fact, all residence facts (individual directory mentions), anything that comes up. With some individuals I have a very long list of facts that would print if I were printing something out. I really like RM (and now Legacy's) ability to share these facts with others who are mentioned in the facts.
Amy McGrory
I use FTM and I record all non-census residence information as an event. I want to be able to tell where my ancestors lived at any time during their life, so I can use that information to verify which records I find belong to my ancestor. This is especially useful when you find several people with the same name as your ancestor. Since I don't print out FGS, whether it appears there doesn't matter to me.
Diane Gould Hall
The Family view is just where you view that particular family. A Family group sheet or record is a report you create to keep or share. The icons under the two main people tell you what you have for that person. If they are colored in and not grey, then you have info in that particular spot such as events or sources.
The census, residence, military and other items are all documented in Events/facts once you click on the Individual's information by clicking on that person. And, yes, enter all that info in events. Add sources and media to your events and make them as thorough as possible. That way any report you do eventually create will be complete as will the Chronology info/view for that person.
Diane Gould Hall
Patrice Houck Schadt. I will create a nice Family Group Record and share it with you so you can see how Legacy does it.
Diane Gould Hall
Here is page one.
Diane Gould Hall
page 2 - you can see all the events and the small pics of documents from those events. I hope this helps. This is a 9 page report, so I won't post them all, but he sources are all listed at the end also.
Michele Simmons Lewis
You can add events to a Family Group Sheet in Legacy. Once you have the FGS Report screen open, go to Report Options at the bottom and then select the Include tab. Events is at the top of the second column. It does not clutter the report at all. You can choose to have just the events for the husband and wife or you can also include the events for the children as well.
Donna Willis Brown
It's been so long since I set up Legacy, I'd forgotten that I had gone to the Options field and selected to include all events for all the people. I just opened that tab further and there are other Event options that include all notes you've made for an event as well as any shared event [like where they were included in a marriage of someone else]. As Diane said, it is not cluttered at all because the additional information just makes the report longer.
Debbie Blanton McCoy
I put all of that type of info into the Events in Legacy for the same reason that Donna stated - so they will show up in the Chronology. Also, I send Family Group Sheets to people who contact me for more information on certain persons and I like being able to add the events to the FGS. I use the General Notes section for more of a narrative about the person.
Patrice Houck Schadt
I was going to post a copy of my family group sheet. I looked at it and was to embarrassed to do so. In the list of events, the title census appears several times with the same date in 1920, when in fact the person had several different census years of info with different dates. I need to analyze this further and see if it is me or the program. I would really like this to work.
Jeff Jahn
I put obituaries as a source and if I have a copy I link it to that. At one time I didn't it as a event but didn't like the way it looked. Census I create my own event don't like the generic events for most of the software because only one census is primary all the rest is secondary. I usually don't use the residence fact much, mainly because I don't want to include a lot of current info for residence in tree although I do you it to trace people. I also prefer my events more in a timeline view which some family group sheets don't handle as nicely. Although ftm doesn't have a family group sheet per say their individual sheet is close.
Donna Willis Brown
The Family Group Sheet lists the events in the same way as I enter them. I enter much of the detail in the space below the event; for example, I transcribe all information from a census sheet for the whole household and then copy that event to each person in the household. I bold the information for the specific individual [other than the head of household] on the event in their person page so their information is easily identifiable. I have attached a copy of the first page of the family group sheet for my grandfather in illustration. There are two pages of information for him before the information for his wife begins.
Teresa Ghee Elliott
I use TMG and it allows multiple people to be attached to events. Those events will show on a FGS for each person. To see an example of a narrative report, you can go to my blog. http://generationsgoneby.wordpress.com/.../george-l-gee-2/ Look specifically at the 1850 census paragraph.
From another string
Patrice Houck Schadt

I have purchased Legacy 8 and spent a good chunk of the day working on one family group. My question is when you print a family group sheet, how can that information be included as part of the family group sheet, so that it looks like the rest of the events on the family group sheet? Thanks.
Diane Gould Hall
Patrice Houck Schadt. There is an Options button on the bottom of the screen when you go to print any of the reports. This allows you to include or exclude any number of items. Have you tried that yet?
Patrice Houck Schadt
I did try that but when it printed in the family group sheet, it did so without the lines and looked different than the rest of the report. I am thinking that perhaps the Chronological report takes the place of including all the extra info in the family group sheet. Working on that theory now.
From another string
Sarah L M Christiansen

I have been trying to get the events sorted by date. The help screen suggests that there is a checkbox on the check/ repair file in file maintenance. That is where it was in Legacy 7.5 and I looked for it there in 8 and it is not there. I ran check/repair last night and I had hoped it was there, but it is not in my version. Would you please see if it is there in your version? If it is, I will just try downloading again.
Debbie Blanton McCoy
Go to the Tools tab, click on Other Tools, then Sort Child, Marriage and Event Lists. If you don't want to sort the children and marriages or marriage events, be sure to uncheck them.
Sarah L M Christiansen
Thanks I found it. Thank You it was hard to find. I wish some of the icons were larger. I increased font size because I have astigmatism but there seems to be no way to increase the miniscule Icons. They could move the numbers on the marriage bar to the left (if they need them) so that the Icons could be big enough to make out!!
Karin Pasteur Coppernoll
I discoverd the options index. Go to the Options tab, select Customize and it's the last feature on the left. It's very helpful.
Sarah L M Christiansen
Karin, the customize is how I changed the font size and colors, but it does not have a way to increase the icon size, especially on the marriage bar, where the space is split with a batch of numbers....
Debbie Blanton McCoy
Sarah, what size font are you using? I tried 12 and 13 and there wasn't much difference, so I set it to 14. That increases it, but it cuts off any letters like "y" and "g."
From another string
Diane Gould Hall

All our Legacy users out there. Has anyone figured out how to change the label color on the Individual's Information yet? These are the labels that are colored when you have a source for them. I've tried and tried. It's red and I want it to be blue. Thanks
Michael Giallella
Click on OPTIONS, the "Click here to change other user-interface colors". Click the "Other Colors" tab, and then on "Text colors for Labels showing attached sources". Then pick from many, many colors - especially BLUE!
Michael Giallella
That should be OPTIONS, then COLOR CHANGES'
Julie Cahill Tarr
Even though I didn't ask...thanks! The red drove me crazy!
Sarah L M Christiansen
I set my color scheme to purple and the text is black - no red. The only red is a line on the active person in family view. However, the females are red and the males black in the pedigree view, and the index.
Monique Riley
That's one big reason I love Legacy, is that we can personalize so many things. I actually like the red labels. My eyes can't see the difference very well between blue and black.
Sarah L M Christiansen
In 7.5 I could use my own windows color scheme, and I would prefer this to theirs. I am now actually going through the same process as I did for setting the colors for the desktop. It would be SO much easier if I could just use my Windows color scheme.
Sarah L M Christiansen
But now that i think that I have what i want, it will not let me hit the close button.
Sarah L M Christiansen
I did all that and it put me back where I was,
Sharon Patricia Saunders
How to I change "Christening" to "Baptism"? I was able to in Legacy 7.5 but can't in 8.
Michael Giallella Sharon
: OPTIONS tab, then CUSTOMIZE (blue wheel), then go to number 3 - DATA FORMAT. Item 3.10 is "Term for Christening". You can change it to Baptism there and save.
Diane Gould Hall
Geez Michael, I could have sworn I'd been to that page and done that. Thank you!!!! Must have been the wine LOL! Blue labels here I come.
Patrice Houck Schadt
Thank you for this post. I have just started using Legacy and appreciate this information.
Sharon Patricia Saunders
Thank you Michael Giallella
Diane Gould Hall
One thing I'm upset about is the removal of the pop-ups on the Family view. I just rec'd a response from a question I sent to Legacy support. So now when you are in Family view (which is where I am..always, when doing research), you have to click on and go the either the children or parents instead of just hovering and having their info shown. They said "well, it's on the Pedigree view." Who cares? Or, why not make pop-ups on both Family and Pedigree? I probably use the Pedigree view 5 times a year. Anyone else?
Sarah L M Christiansen
Diane, I am in Family view 66% of the time, 33% in individual view (pop up) and 1% in pedigree view.
Monique Riley
I agree Sarah L M Christiansen, love the popups in the family view!
Diane Gould Hall
Then we all need to inundate Legacy with requests for pop-ups to return to Family view. I agree with you Sarah L M Christiansen, about being in Individual view too.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
I'm confused - what pop-ups were there in Family view?
The only one I know of, being a single click on either spouse, is still there.
What did I miss finding before it was taken away in v8? (given that I still have 7.5 to play with I'd like to see if it's something I want back or not)
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
I know what I DO miss though - the Spouse/Child & Sibling lists in the Pedigree screen! I want them back
Diane Gould Hall
In 7.5 when you are in Family view, if you take your mouse and hover over either the parents or children, you could see their birth & death dates and any marriage I for. That way you don't have to actually click on the person, which then changes the Family view. It is incredibly handy and a feature I used daily. In 8 it is no more. Now it's in Pedigree view. Who does their research from pedigree view? Not me, that much I know. So, why take away features we all use constantly, including what you just said about the siblings etc.? We need to let them know! FYI to Michele Simmons Lewis who at least may have their ear.
Diane Gould Hall
P.S. I haven't deleted 7.5 yet.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
What setting did I have to select to see those roll over pop ups Diane, I don't see those features
Monique Riley
Kathy 'PK' Thompson Go to Options> Customize> General Tab and click on "pop up automatically" under the Popup Information Boxes. I have mine set at 3/10 of a second.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
huh - would you look at that - yes, I think I'd like to have that back too thanks!
Thanks Monique.
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